Nyc Horror Fest

f you surf on over to the NYCHorrorFestival channel, you'll find a number of selections from the 2002 and 2003 installments of America's largest genre film fest. It's got a little something for everyone, from red-meat bloodbaths to classy supernatural thrillers. Here are the highlights:

The handsomest flick with the swankiest production values would have to be Deadline, a creepy-kid chiller by the Italian filmmaker Massimo Coglitore; you'll go all goo-goo eyed watching the film's lush 35mm exteriors. In the same subtle vein is Two Story House, about a first-time homeowner's encounters with things that go bump in the night. The starring role belongs to Anna Maggio, an outrageously photogenic beauty with Lizzy Caplan's emo vibe and Nicole Kidman's close-cropped hair from Birth. This actress looks fan-fucking-tastic in a Batman T-shirt. Do you hear all this praise coming your way, Anna? See my contact info below.

For all you Hillary '08 supporters, there are a few feminist-revenge flicks in the tradition of I Spit on Your Grave and last year's Rosario Dawson vehicle Descent. Subway is an effective turn-the-tables-on-your-attacker thriller that builds to a genuine jump-and-scream moment. Tomorrow's Bacon sounds like a gorehound's wet dream, but it's actually the most purely dramatic offering of the bunch, detailing the bitter end of a violently broken marriage. Not since John Dahl's Joyride has a movie made stopping at a roadside diner such an unsettling experience.

If all you want is blood-and-guts splattered all over the screen, then check out Disposer. The movie starts off with a phone-sex caller making his way through an automated menu. Just wait until you see who - and what - is on the other end of the line. Sickest joke ever. Plasticity 1.7 is a bio-terror chamber piece reminiscent of Tetsuo and the early work of David Cronenberg. I have no idea what the title means, but the same goes for THX 1138 and that movie rules.

If you like to bust a gut while watching a busted gut, then Slasher Flick is the one for you. I love the ampira-esqe late-night TV hostess who lists off a seemingly endless number of sequels (Bride of Slasher, I Was a Teenage Slasher...). Cup O' Abominations features the second-sickest joke ever. Here, you get to see the Whore of Babylon consume a cupful of entrails. For pure farce, watch the hilarious support-group mockumentary Non-Abductees Anonymous.

Click on the player below to watch Tomorrow's Bacon, which is my personal favorite. Once there, you can link to the other titles listed in this blog.

Oh, and Anna? You can reach me at

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Article Source: - Nyc Horror Fest

Science, Fiction, Horror, Film Festival